Hilarious. Interactive. Fun.
From TV producers to corporate event planners to fan experience professionals at arenas around the U.S. and Canada, Steve Max, the Master of Simon Sez, is the 'go to'
entertainer for taking audience participation and laughter to extraordinary new heights!
Fan Participation. Big Laughs.
Since 2003, Steve Max continues to be one of the most requested halftime shows in the nation!
With his microphone and quick wit, Steve's high energy and hilarious 'off the cuff' remarks
will get your fans laughing, involved and energized for the second half of the game!
PERFECT FOR: Military Appreciation, Season Ticket Holders, Breast Cancer Survivors, Fan Appreciation and more. Plus, nobody does more midweek 'Education Day Matinees' for colleges than Steve Max!
EXPERIENCE is EVERYTHING! Steve has been a must booking for the NBA, NCAA, WNBA and G-League since 2003 and has been booked for the Collegiate ACC, BIG TEN, A-10 and SEC March Conference Tournaments every year since 2008. Simon Sez ... give your dedicated fans the BEST halftime show around. They deserve it!​
Team Building. Employee Morale.
From 30 people to 3000, Steve Max knows how to energize a crowd.
Clients love that the show is very funny and interactive. In fact, Steve will get 100% of your attendees
involved, enthused and laughing. And because Steve doesn’t ‘eliminate’ the participants until the last 15 minutes, no one will feel left out. The program can run as long as 45 minutes or shorter to suit your needs.
Perfect for Trade Shows, Sales Meetings, Breakout Sessions, Town Halls, Off-Sites, Company Picnics, Bring Kids to Work Days, Fitness Days and any other time when your organization is looking for lots of participation and fun!
"I've never seen anyone create that much fun
and energy with a live studio audience..."
-Toby Gorman, President of Universal Television Alternative Studio
When TV producers are looking for fun and interesting ways to physically involve contestants and celebs into their shows while also making the studio audience go bonkers with laughter, they call Steve Max!
TV Appearances: To Tell The Truth (ABC), Brain Games (National Geographic), Tournament Challenge Marathon (ESPN), Home & Family (Hallmark), Battle of the Network Reality Stars (NBC/Bravo), NFL Ultimate Defender Competition (ESPN).

The Early Years:
Entertaining people was always in Steve's blood as a young boy growing up in New Jersey. A self-taught juggler, balancer and magician, by age 15, he was doing birthday parties every weekend.
He owes a LOT to his dad, Stan, who drove him to all of his shows.
The Middle Years:
After graduating from Montclair State College with a B.A in Broadcasting, Steve found himself doing stand-up comedy, working
with an improv group and, in a stroke of luck, becoming the MC and Director of Activities at The Pines Hotel in the Catskills.
It was there that he met the greatest comedians, learned how to
'work' a crowd...and where he first started calling Simon Sez .
The Next Chapter:
Thanks to his amazing wife (and personal marketing wiz), Steve's career found new heights. Not only does he now have TV appearances to his credit, but as the most requested basketball halftime show in the nation, he regularly performs in arenas of
20,000 people. Steve feels blessed to have a job that makes people smile & laugh and is excited to see what's next!

History of Simon Sez.

This handsome gent is Simon De Montfort. A French-English nobleman of the early 13th century, he was the brother-in-law of England's King Henry III, and using his relationship to his advantage, Simon was able to become the 6th Earl of Leicester. However, the relationship with his brother-in-law soured and in 1264, Simon led a revolt against the King, defeating him.
Although Henry III was allowed to remain King for the next few years, it was in title only as Simon was the one calling the shots. And so, as the story goes, because people did whatever Simon De Montfort said, this may possibly be how the game of Simon Says got its name. Or ... maybe this is all just BS.
More recently, people recall TV personality Sonny Fox playing Simon Sez on the 1960's children's TV show 'Wonderama' or "Professor" Allan Tresser, an omnipresent figure for decades at the Fallsview Hotel in the Catskills ... while other 'Borscht Belt' sezzers included Larry Strickler and Krazy Tyrone. Additionally, the 70's and beyond brought us the likes of Bobby Gold and Bob Schaffer, both of whom entertained at company events and colleges nationwide.
But the granddaddy of Simon Sez was Lou Goldstein (pictured), who was a fixture for 40 years at the world famous Grossinger's Hotel in the Catskills. National recognition came his way with appearances in the late 70's and 80's on ABC's 'Battle of the Network Stars' and the 'Superstars.' And when Lou died in 2012 (at age 90), his wife Jackie gifted Steve Max his personal Simon Sez jackets, which he cherishes as he carries on the Simon Sez tradition into the 21st century.

This electronic game from the Hasbro Toy Company is marketed as 'Simon' (not Simon Sez) and has NOTHING to do with Steve Max's occupation!
While many spell the game 'SIMON SAYS'
Steve spells it 'SIMON SEZ'
because it's more fun!
(Both are legit)
Simon Sez ... I look forward to speaking with you!

© 2020 Steve Max, Inc.